Beckenham Spa floor refurb awarded!

In 1996, the very first Aquaterr moveable floor system was installed at Beckenham Spa, Kent.

23 years later, we are proud to be invited to refurbish our moveable floor system. All of the surface panels on the moveable floor will be replaced. The original installation was high density polyethylene panels, shot-blasted to provide a non-slip finish and all machining done by hand. Over the past 23 years, we’ve designed and installed over 90 moveable floors and as you can imagine, technology has moved on. The new polypropylene panels will be precision machined on our CNC to incorporate lane markings, free area slots and maintenance access points. The bather surface has an embossed non-slip finish, applied when the material is extruded.

The refurbishment is set to take place in December 2019.


Simon Whittingham


18th October 2019

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